Benefits of Working with a Female Plastic Surgeon

Why Choose a Female Plastic Surgeon?

Whether you are seeking plastic surgery in Frisco, Plano or other areas of the Dallas metroplex,
the first key step in the process is to properly research your plastic surgeon’s qualifications,
experience and background. You need comfort knowing that your surgeon has the skills, ability
and credentials that go along with an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon. With
everything else being equal, patients in the area are increasingly curious whether it’s better to
choose a male or female plastic surgeon. The answer here is that it’s really a matter of personal
preference. However, there are some key differentiating factors and benefits to working with a
female surgeon for your plastic surgery procedure.

Firsthand Knowledge and Understanding of the Female

While male surgeons are most certainly qualified and do perform successful surgeries, a female
plastic surgeon has intimate knowledge of a range of female concerns, including:

  • Understanding questions and issues from a woman’s point of view
  • Knowing from personal experience how a woman’s body changes and ages over time since
    a female plastic surgeon is experiencing the exact same thing
  • Understanding the thought process a woman experiences when contemplating whether
    they need a certain procedure

Compassionate and Warm

For many patients, one of the most difficult aspects of the plastic surgery process is being able
to openly discuss their concerns and issues related to their appearance. This is not to say that
our male counterparts are not warm and compassionate, female plastic surgeons possess
several key characteristics and experiences to help allay a patient’s concerns, including:

  • Direct knowledge of potential societal pressures that might direct a patient to seek surgical
  • Allowing patients to talk more freely with a like-minded empathetic ear
  • Traditionally being more sensitive while allowing the patient to feel more relaxed

Communication Levels

During the discovery and consult process, the surgeon needs to develop the clearest
understanding possible of the patient’s needs, concerns and goals. It is certainly not a
misconception that women tend to be better communicators than men. Many husbands and
boyfriends will agree with us. But again, we are not saying that men are bad communicators.
Because females tend to be better communicators, your female plastic surgeon may be able to
express questions, answers and comments in a way only a woman can. While not always true,
in general women tend to be more vocal and communicative, thereby increasing the flow of
information between the patient and their female plastic surgeon.

Consultation Time

Several research studies have proven that female doctors typically spend more time with
patients during an office visit than male physicians. Simply put, this results in more time for
patients to convey their concerns and ask questions while building a trust with their female
plastic surgeon. Further, this increased time in the initial consult allows for a patient’s
maximum understanding of the procedure.